About Me
Chrissy Swain is a freelance photographer born and raised on Long Island, New York. After receiving a Bachelor's of Science degree in Business Administration from The University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA, she spent her twenties and early thirties pursuing her favorite activities of snowboarding and surfing. Traveling and working in resort towns seasonally such as Steamboat Springs, Vail, Lahania, and The Outer Banks to name a few. Photography was always a hobby growing up but not until settling down in Puerto Rico full time did she fully pursue the art. Shooting female surfing has always been something particularly interesting to her. Water photography in specific because it allows her to combine photography, surfing, ocean knowledge and experience all at the same time, while being risky enough to be considered adrenalin raising.
She has been published in Easten Surf Magazine, was a staff photographer for Women's Surf Style Magazine, is a contributor to The Inertia, Stylo Inked, and various local publications in Puerto Rico and North Carolina and digitally on Surfline. Now, 39 years old, she is the mother to one young son. The focus of her work has shifted from surfing to corporate photography, unique portraits, families, weddings and athletic events.